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If you haven’t heard, this week is farm week at my house as part of our summer camp series.  Every week is a different theme throughout the summer, but I think this has been a favorite week so far. Today, I want to show you some fun farm themed treats that I made with my kids that we all loved! I loved that it felt like a treat without being packed with sugar, and they loved that they looked like cute farm animals.

farm themed treats

These are so simple and cute. All you need are some mini bagels, cream cheese spread (I got plain and strawberry spread), strawberries, bananas, and raisins. I started with the cute little piggies. You’ll use a strawberry spread to give the pigs their pink skin, Slice a piece of banana off to create the nose, strawberry slices for ears, and finish off with raisin eyes.

pig themed treats

For the chicken, use a white spread, raisin eyes, strawberry for the top of the head, and a wedge of banana for the beak.

farm themed treats 2

Last, I wanted to make a cow, but wasn’t exactly sure what to do. When I got to the store, it hit me! I used blackberry jam for the cow spots (which tastes delicious with the cream cheese spread) a strawberry for the nose and ears, and raisins for the nose holes and eyes. Isn’t it so cute? I love the way it turned out, although my oldest says it looks more like a pig. Oh well, I tried!

cow themed treats

If you are wanting a fun breakfast idea for your kids, this is definitely a good way to go. They will be surprised and delighted with the little animals you create. Be sure to check back throughout the summer for more themed treats and activities!

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