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This post is #sponsored by The Home Depot. All opinions provided are 100% my own. #DIHWorkshop

Beverage Stand Beauty Image

Last Monday, I mentioned that I was participating in an online DIH virtual party for The Home Depot recreating this beverage station (pictured above), and today is the day that I finally get to reveal my project to you! I am so excited about this!! When I initially got the plans, I started thinking about the ways that I would be able to use a beverage station. I had a lot of ideas of how to use it that would be cute, but temporary. I loved the idea of being able to use the cart for more than just a party, so I actually have two ideas to show you today!

beverage station

Movie Night treats

First, we will start with the party use. My family loves projecting movies on the side of the house for a real drive in movie theater feel. We usually meet at my parent’s house, blow up a bunch of air mattresses, throw out some pillows, grab some chairs, and get cozy in our jammies so that we can enjoy a fun, kid friendly movie together.

movie night treat cart

I wanted a way that we could put out some treats for everyone to snack on and enjoy during the movie, and this beverage cart is perfect for just that! I grabbed the treats and popcorn, some movies, and then filled the bucket with ice and sodas so that they stayed nice and cold.

beverages and treats

Building the cart was really so simple, and it was inexpensive to make. If you have never tried using power tools before, this is really the perfect chance for you to try. The Home Depot provides complimentary classes for all levels of experience that teach you everything you need to know, and in some locations, they actually help you make the project in the store. You’ll have to check the registration to see what is available at your closest location, but even if you can’t make it that night, you’ll have everything you need to know to be able to make one on your own. Grab your girlfriends and get together for a night of fun and trying new things!

plant stand

Now for my favorite part of this cart….the versatility!!!! Since we are using the 10 qt galvanized buckets from Home Depot, you can buy an extra bucket (they are $10) and try out the other idea I have. The beverage cart makes a spectacular plant stand! I LOVE the way it looks on my front porch. It just looks so inviting and cute. Pull out the bucket you used for the drinks, and replace it with a second bucket filled with your favorite flowers for a look that will take your summer porch to the next level. When you have a party, you can pull the bucket of flowers out and replace it with your drink bucket and you’re good to go. Easy Peasy!

DIY plant stand

I recommend starting by using a nail to put four small holes in the bottom of the bucket, then fill it with a layer of gravel to help with drainage. After you get the gravel layer, put some potting soil in the bucket and then put your favorite flowers in there. You should definitely get a tall grassy plant to give it some height, grab some colorful flowers, and last, get some sort of vine plant that will flow out of the bucket. I found a great selection of plants at Home Depot, so be sure to check the outdoor gardening center for plants that are good for your climate. I can’t wait to see what mine looks like once everything grows and fills the bucket more.

beverage cart

The front porch is such a great place to sit and wait for friends and family to come visit, or to watch the sun setting, and if you bring out a plate of cookies and some drinks, it makes everything feel so inviting and cozy.

DIY plant and beverage stand

I haven’t even talked about the color I chose. It is such a pretty shade of blue made by Glidden called Bluegrass White. I only needed to buy a sample size container to fully coat the whole table. You can grab it from Home Depot while you are getting the supplies to make your own beverage cart.

Register for the workshop by CLICKING HERE

You should also check out the three other types of classes that are offered for kids and adults alike! They show you how to build décor projects, how to make easy home repairs and how to operate tools through demonstrations and step-by-step instructions. Visit to learn more about the DIY- do it yourself, DIH- do it herself, and kids classes offered at a location near you.

If I haven’t convinced you that you need to go to this class yet, you should go see what all of my other blogger friends have done with their tables to see just how many options you really have. There are so many amazing projects, and you need to check them all out!

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