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This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign withPollinate Media Group™ and Cottonelle, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #CottonelleTarget

Halloween is in 2 days!  I can hardly contain my excitement!  I thought that today I would share a couple of posts with VERY last minute game  ideas.  First I am going to share with you a fun twist on an old classic, The Mummy Game.

Here’s how you play.  You need to have partners.  It is always more fun that way, and it is most fun if you have two sets of partners competing against each other.  Give them a couple of rolls Cottonelle Triple Roll toilet paper and a set amount of time.  (I picked mine up at Target.) For this game, we set a one minute timer.  I added a fun twist and thought it would make things a little more interesting if the person doing the wrapping was blindfolded.  The team that gets the most coverage in 1 minute wins!

 Mummy Game & Prank #shop

Ready, set, GO!

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Get ready to full on belly laugh.  This was hilarious.  The person that is blindfolded has no idea what things are looking like, and the person being wrapped starts to get dizzy from spinning too much. (Addie decided to get in on the fun)

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For this game, I had my brother and sister help me out so that I could take some pics.  When my sister got my brother wrapped to this point where his face was completely covered, I realized, “Hey, my brother can’t see anything and is completely vulnerable right now.”  This is where the prank part of this comes in.

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After his face was wrapped, I ran and found some packing tape.  (I am laughing to myself just remembering this.  I was laughing so hard I was crying when it happened)  Anyway, I pulled the tape out and then ran back into the room with my brother and started wrapping around his arms as fast as I could.  Because I started with his arms, he couldn’t stop me.  He was pinned to his sides.

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As a side note, you should definitely only do this to someone who can take a joke and is a good sport.  This could have been a totally different result had my brother been upset.

As it turned out, we all ended up having a good laugh over it.  When he initially realized what was happening, he started yelling “Was this the plan the whole dang time?!”  I seriously was cracking up.  If the moment comes when you can try this out, do it and then tell me about it.  I love a good laugh.

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To help you out with your Halloween game endevours, here is a coupon to go buy yourself some toilet paper and tissues cause Heaven knows that we are about to head into cold season and could use a box or two of kleenex.  It’s only available while supplies last, so you better hurry and go pick yours up today!  Click here to go download the coupon now.

Be sure to stop by later today because I have two more quick games for you in case you are looking for something to put together for a class party or Halloween party in the next two days!

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