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rainbow fish tutorial

This is the last of our “fish week” posts, and I was particularly excited about this one. The girls really took to it and thought it was fun too. I don’t know if you’ve ever read the book “The Rainbow Fish“, but it is one that my mother in law gave to us and we have really loved. It is about a fish with beautiful scales that makes friends by sharing them with others. I love the message behind it, and the pictures throughout the story really make it one that you need to add to your library.

rainbw fish book

Anyway, since it was fish week, I thought I would use this story and work with the girls on making fish with beautiful scales. I started by making some salt doh play doh in a couple of colors. Then, we used sequins in a few different colors, andĀ molded our play doh into a fish shape. I really just let the girls create whatever they wanted to, and it was a fun activity to do together.

sea horse kids craft

Lillie went with a sea horse, and Addie decided that she wanted to make an eel, but I decided to try a more traditional fish shape. I love that they were creative. You just place the sequins on the fish in rows to create a scaly look. I think if we were to do it again, I would buy more of an assortment of sequins to use as scales and really make it a rainbow fish.

fish kids craft

If you want to make the play doh, it really is simple and no cooking required. It takes 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, 1 cup cold water, 1/4 cup vegetable oil, and food coloring (keep adding until it’s the color you’re wanting.) Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and combine them. Then knead it until it is soft. I found that if it was dry at all that if I put a little bit of oil on my hands while kneading it, that it helped to soften it.

rainbow fish activity

I hope you liked our first themed week as part of our summer series! Be sure to check back each week for new ideas of activities you can try with your kids to keep them learning and being creative throughout the summer. Just in case you missed the other posts from this week, be sure to check out our jellyfish kid’s craft as well as our “ish” family worksheet.

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